You can do this

Just keep going

Welcome to the Thought Follower, the savvy Solopreneur's guide to building a business on LinkedIn.

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I just wasn’t feeling it last week.

I’ve published an email newsletter every week for 28 weeks. I always find something to write about.

But last week felt different.

It was a sales-heavy week as I worked to fill my first ever coaching group, with some discovery calls with a few potential Ghostwriting clients.

I also shipped a bunch of fresh LinkedIn content for 3 new ghostwriting clients too. So the inkwell between my ears is feeling kinda empty.

Plus we have a 1 month old baby at home and the sleep deprivation is starting to bite.

Thankfully, Caro and I managed to sneak out for a dinner together while my sister-in-law looked after the kids for a few hours. It was bliss.

We got to talking about how fortunate we are. We’re living the life we designed 3 years ago. Even if it’s exhausting at times, we are happy. Plus the weather is getting warmer and Spring is just around the corner. 

So this week I don’t have a pithy lesson, a business building tip or a mental model. I guess my main thought this week is -

Keep going. You can do this. 

A message from me, to me.

I’d love to hear what you’re working on - have you been ‘feeling it’ lately? Or surviving? 

Know someone who’d benefit from this gazette? Go on, share the love - forward it to them!